Thursday, September 8, 2011

Ten Years Gone

Here is my original post detailing the horrors of 9/11/2001 for me from the 5th year anniversary:

Here also is my blog post containt the 2996 Project links for our friend, John M. Griffin.

We will never forget you, John.

We will NEVER FORGET any of you.

People who didn't live in the shadow of NY or the Pentagon or even Shanksville, PA cannot know and truly understand the magnitude of how it was to live each day with the smell, the fear, the horror - and how it changed especially NYC permanently.

The Pentagon is fixed. The grass is regrown in the field in PA.

In NYC we still have a huge hole, a gaping wound in our skyline and our hearts that we bear each day. Even when 'something' is there in its place, it will never be our Twin Towers.

be well,

1 comment:

ADB said...

In memory of all victims, including John H. Griffin. Thank you for posting, Dawn - hope to see more of you very soon!