Tuesday, October 21, 2008

So What?

This is what!

I decided to an little 'housekeeping' entry, so to speak, especially since there are lots of new readers here! Yay!

I try to name each entry with a song title. I started that in 2006, just for fun!

I added music, and I put it right at the top of the side bar so you can click the pause/play button if you don't want to hear any!

Any graphics, tags, LOLCats, and memes/surveys can be freely copied or snagged for your own use!

Also, for the science curious, if you click on the periodic table, you can get more info on any element! Very cool!

A quick note about comments... I allow anyone to comment and don't use that funky letter thing because I find it annoying. However, if anyone spams me I will remove their comment. I will also remove comments that are just downright nasty and full of obscenities. Hopefully, it won't ever come to that though!

Hmmm... I think that is it!

Oh, did I mention, I did get my hair cut and I like it! Pretty much just like the picture in my sidebar. It had gotten a little long and shaggy, so I needed the shaping. It did help improve my mood, too!

Today, so far, has been rainy and grey, but the sun is now trying really hard to come out!

Here are some pictures of our Halloween decorations:

Frankenstein's marker says, 'Here lies Frakenstein, Or does he?'

The Grim Reaper's Coach blow up is lit up, and in the coach part their are skulls that blink on and off! We have the dog bone sign up all year long, 'Dog is Fine, Beware of the Kids!'
That is my hodge podge entry for today! Going to get another cup of coffee!
be well...


Traci said...

Love the dog bone sign! I need one!

~Rebecca Anne~ said...

Now I want to figure out what sort of nastiness I could write and get away with...... (grin)

I hope that sun comes out and gives you a beautiful day...sorta of like a flash, yes, like a flasher who opens their trench coat and surprise~~


garnett109 said...

I was getting that blog spam and it seemed a waste of time deleting it all so thats why my word varication is still up.
great decorations

ELLIE said...

so love the lawn decorations - way too cute - our neighborhood just does not do it - hohum!!! we also have no trick or treaters so I guess that is not surprising!!love the kid sign - we have something like that but it says beware of owner not the rotties...LOL
have a great tuesday!!!

Sage Ravenwood said...

For the most part I manage to keep my...umm thoughts... pretty clean with a dash of mischief. So I do believe I'm safe...or am I *winks*. Sounds like you cleared the air for the newbies. Me? I already knew you could be fiesty. Loved the Halloween decor. (Hugs)Indigo

Lisa said...

Love the Halloween decorations! Your house is adorable! Glad you got a hair cut and love the song. Hugs,

betty said...

decorations look adorable! I'm glad you explained about the grim reaper's coach, I couldn't quite figure out what it was; I bet the neighborhood kids like your decorations :)


Jeannette said...

Oh your decorations are great!!! I wish people did things like that over here. I let anyone comment as well but I get lots of visitor who do not, I know because I have a web tracker.

Chris/cacklinrosie101 said...

LOL...I didn't know you had so many rules, Dawn. Don't ya just love all these gadgets we can play with?

Your place looks great and festive! HUGS

Coelha :B said...

Aww.. I love that sign--if only I had a dog!! LOL I like your video side bar--I was looking at Brett from Poison's hot body--a little distracting! HA HA HA.. (He doesn't look like that anymore.) Hugs - Julie

Missie said...

Great decorations!

Happy Being Me said...

You have always been "Right There" and if anyone cannot respect your wishes, move on! Your site is one that is charished by many - Continue as you may,

Jimmy's Journal said...

Great job! I've been toying around with different features and I'm pleased with the variety of things available.


Unknown said...

coffee, i need coffee...oh wait i was supposed to say that I love the cute halloween costumes. De ;)

Lisa said...

Your lawn decorations look awesome!! I love Frankenstein's head & hands, how cool!!!

I am happy you don't have those letter, oh they irk me and I almost always have to do it over & over again.

I've had one spam so far, I just deleted it.

Leigh/BlueDragonfly said...

Love the lawn decor! I don't think I'm putting anything up outside, but have some lights and stuff for inside!
I was thinking of cutting my hair-for about 5 minutes, then reality set in and I just put it back in a ponytail! lol
Oh, no spam here!
:) Leigh

Beth said...

Hi Dawn, sorry I'm just now getting over here to comment and "follow." It's not easy keeping up with you all!

Love your Halloween decorations!

I promise to be on my best behavior when it comes to commenting. (curtsy) See how polite I am? (grin)


Linda said...

Love the decorations! I just got back in from Cali and am trying to get caught up here. Hope things are well. Linda

Lori said...

I like the way you are set up. Nice entry.

Marty said...

Hi Dawn,
Wow ... love the Halloween decorations. You really go all out!

Gillie said...

Love the decorations!!!